I think I’ll let you go now.
And that’s not a painful thing to say
I think for a long time I’ve been letting you go anyway
At first with great restraint
With nails digged into its side
I held on to time like it was life
Like it was a death that never died
Like you were attainable..
A relationship to hold..
I held on to you like you were summer, and I really hated the cold
But then I started missing, all of the seasons of me
In order to know spring and winter I had to be
I thought I hated the snow until the snow came and went
I think I’ll let you go now..
And the guilt of the time I’ve spent
Wishing to be summer
When I was always meant to be fall
Just because we’re not in love anymore it doesn’t mean I never loved you at all
But I don’t want to be sunshine
When there’s snowmen to build
There’s flowers to water, when an intense heat they’re killed
My hands are too tired from always holding back
You know if winter is mistaken for summer
In comparison its warmth will lack
But that doesn’t make it unworthy of holidays to celebrate
You wanted a summer vacation
I wasn’t a season to date
I think I’ll let you go now..
As I watched my leaves turn
The weather is changing for the better.. is what I learned
As I learn about fireplaces and Christmas lights to see
I would have never known just how many really celebrate me
If I had stayed summer and never become fall
I would have never known winter
I would have never known myself at all.
A poem from @diaryofromantica